@Gargron THEIR perk is that #meta uses a criminal tactic: coercion. To force European users that told them they can not use our private data and much less ilegally transfer to USA servers. Do not tell me they don't. I'm one of them.
They put a blocking pay wall in Facebook, Instagram apps and web access, so you can't access to the account. If you want to keep using it, they force you to pay a 9$ per month per account so they comply with the EU law (soo they say). Or wave all your privacy rights and data for keep using FB and Instagram for free.
Can't forget Cambridge Analitica, and how they interfered in sovereign elections, like #Brexit that affected millions of people.
Is sad to see #mastodon freedom be sold to this corporation for a fistfull of dollars. They are only here for the profit they will get, don't be so naive
Having NDA reunions with them, should have been a #redflag that you will allow the embrace, extend, extinguish tactic they will use. Shame on you. 👿😠😡