Happy #PatchTuesday: Exploited Fortinet zero-day??? FG-IR-24-535
CVE-2025-24472 (8.1 high) Authentication bypass in Node.js websocket module and CSF requests
If this security advisory looks familiar, that's because it belongs to the previous Fortinet exploited zero-day CVE-2024-55591 (9.6 critical) . This was tacked onto the same advisory, with no context other than the changelog:
2025-02-11: Added CVE-2025-24472 and its acknowledgement
@BleepingComputer seems to think it is: Fortinet warns of new zero-day exploited to hijack firewalls but I'm skeptical.
#fortinet #infosec #CVE_2024_55591 #vulnerability #cve #CVE_2025_24472 #cybersecurity #eitw #activeexploitation #zeroday