As much as I'm joking here, I'm still heavily against a rhetoric within leftist circles that goes something like... “Why should we care about feminism? When the revolution comes and all classes are abolished, the oppression of women will simply cease to exist...” because that's just both historically and culturally not true. There's no “side-conflict” and “main conflict”. Such rhetoric usually often comes from people who are themselves privileged and not a minority in anything (cishet white men).
While I am in favor of combining these issues and seeing capitalism either as the root cause or catalyst in them, I am also for analyzing each problem in its peculiarity.
The patriarchy existed before a capitalist economic system, so did racism, colonialism and war.
Capitalism was always open to these forms of discrimination and oppression, which is why it could be adopted and transitioned to so easily, yet it shaped and reproduced these problems in a different way, justified them in its own form under a new banner.