@lifning so here's a quick rundown of some details about the concept we've been hashing out:
-It will feel era-appropriate for a CPU like the i960 but not be too limiting
-Mainly 2D-oriented but with a 3D coprocessor for doing basic 3D rendering
-Graphics are stored in 4 "charblocks", which are 512x512 pixel, 256-color bitmaps. There is only one palette, but it can be redefined with BGR555 colorspace
-The 3D coprocessor overwrites most of a charblock with the rendered 3D output, and can then use those tiles to display onto one of the 4 tile layers
-The tile layers are affine-transformable
-Screen resolution is 320x240
-Sprites perform double-duty as polygon quads
-Still haven't gotten everything concrete here, but we're thinking of somewhere between 1024 and 2048 sprites/quads, allowing for a crapton of sprites but a more basic 3D experience
I'll let @lifning chime in with other details that can be shared, if she wants. We'll post the full conceptual spec when we feel it's ready