i should be sleeping but instead im hyperfocusing on this little stock footage clip https://youtu.be/HnMuNCl7tZ8?t=1360 because when i saw it i was like "something is fake. the train looks like a cardboard cutout. the buses look fake too"
anyway after like half an hour i havent been able to find any conclusive evidence that anything here is fake and most likely it's just an artifact of narrow field of view making everything look flat. otoh i did manage to find the location of the shot and i'm pretty happy about that. it's in chicago, at the crossing between michigan ave and washington st, facing west, probably shot from this uh, balcony type thing. i dont know what to call it https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=41.883229&mlon=-87.623415#map=19/41.883229/-87.623415