I read “Indistractable” today. Since I’m already so long down the road, a lot of the practical advice was useless to me (“here’s how to use Facebook slightly less”) but the core message of how the opposite of distraction is setting and making goals matches with the trip I’ve been on lately. I’m finding that I need both: just cutting the screen without a clear plan of what to do instead doesn’t work, but neither does vice versa: I can have all the plans in the world but addiction to the shiny is a 🐝 and a half. By addressing both, I’m finally in a good place, at least for now.
As for the book, I’d call it mid tier as far as applied psych productivity books go. While some of the lingo gets unbearable (“indistractable” is a great punny book title but he uses it throughout as an adjective with inconsistent meaning) and there are some red flags among the endorsing names, I’ve seen worse. Main disappointment is that I’d want it to go much further. Annihilate all silo accounts and dark patterns.
But that it doesn’t is kind of a strength, too. It also addresses the internal struggle. You could have a perfect set up (probably better known as no phone) and still be a wreck addicted to novels and jigsaw puzzles. Sometimes we make our own distraction.