mental illness sucks, poverty sucks, disability sucks, societal institutions suck. but we all know we are in this together and thats what keeps us going. what makes life possible.
transphobia is something that hurts me deeply. but i say without hesitation that even more than transphobia, it's mental illness that is the greatedst source of hardship in my life. if my brain worked better, i could navigate the sea of capitalism and colonialism and hate much more fluently and meet more of the demands placed on me. even though those pressures are themselves evil oppression, by meeting them i would be less hurt and be able to contribute more to my community and do more anticapitalist work and live a more fulfilling life.
what gets me through it is the community around me. and i do my best to give back more than i get. helping with the instances, organizing and hosting fun events, spreading mutual aid posts, and just doing my best to be a friend, all of it i love and am so glad im able to do because of all of your effort and support and understanding and presence.
thank you, all of you, not just my closest friends or members of our instances and discords, but every voice in this community for doing your part to help us all thrive together. even if you think you just are simply here and dont contribute, you do. being part of a community and engaging in good faith is one of the most helpful things anyone can offer.
i love fedi so much, and i hope i can continue to contribute for a long, long time.