Saw this video by a Gen Zer and to sum it up the whole point was basically, “these newer kids coming up are turning neutral terms into code words for slurs now that traditional slurs can no longer be said without consequence and a marginalized person’s vector of privilege is sometimes used for covert bigotry while a privileged person’s marginalizations is sometimes used as a shield from criticism.” It took Gen Z that long to figure out that language policing is the most futile part of activism? It’s useful to getting a sense of respect by asserting boundaries at an interpersonal level, but that isn’t activism, and changing what words the entirety of society can use barely budges social norms any particular way because it reduces politics to an endless word game. I’m speechless. This is so basic. And no, I’m not one of those people who are like, “oh my god I’m entitled to call you (insert offensive term) without having to confront your personal feelings about it.” But the fact that the former point was always so constantly conflated with the latter, until now y’all are finally like, “oooohhhh?!?” Y’all don’t listen. lol