👾 wie geht's? vi geht's emacs 👾
more precisely a present probability of preference presuming an impermanence of perfection,,, endeavoring to spacemacs {https://spacemacs.org}
specifically, spacemacs running in regular emacs mode because, "why would I want to resume using emacs after a several year hiaitus into vi/vim land, only to desire the madness of modal editing within the context of sane-brain regular mode?" .. surely, a question for the ages.
anyway, spacemacs is interesting and I don't yet hate it. let's give it a week or two before informed opinion.
#emacs #vi #vim #editorwars #freebsd #bsd #unix #linux #commandLineIsBestLine #cli #bulletToTheBrainNotJustYet #itsTheThoughtThatcountsNotTheInherentlyCyclicalSurealismOfExistentialNihilism