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- Embed this noticeFawzia Koofi, exiled MP of Afghanistan on women's situation in Afghanistan:
"Over the past 6 months they have issued a law with 135 Articles, most of them are about oppressing women, to the extent that women cannot go to nursing classes. In 5 years time maternal mortality or child mortality will probably rise again, because Afghanistan was already the worst place to be a mother or a child."
"At the Doha Peace Talks in 2019/ 2020 the Taliban said women could become Ministers, get PHDs, be in business. (...) They were lying to get that agreement signed with the United States. The US should hold them accountable."
What is going to take?
"It’s a combination of many efforts. Codifying gender apartheid and holding the Taliban accountable before the national rule and order, stopping the money that goes directly to the Taliban, holding them accountable to in the Doha agreement and giving women a space to organise for political opposition. Three years after the collapse we still don’t have an office for women’s groups. "
RT: https://spinster.xyz/objects/7b521565-e073-45c5-91b7-6e5afb56ae1e