So you suddenly feel the need to "do something" about the fascism?
Step 1: Shut the fuck up. Don't get specific or even "vaguepost-y" / overly suggestive about your intention to do anything.
Step 2: Learn about security culture because you're more effective if you don't go to prison, and you need to not get caught before you do your thing.
An ordered reading list:
"What is Security Culture? A Guide to Staying Safe"
A short basic introduction to the topics of security culture. This is a good primer for all subsequent discussions.
"Confidence. Courage. Connection. Trust."
The best current text on security culture, one that takes an approach that tries to balance openness against much of security's paranoia.
"Mobile Phone Security."
One of the fastest ways to get caught is with the snitch in your pocket. Learn how to be safe with your phone and why these steps are important.
"Why Misogynists Make Great Informants"
Like the title says, people's shitty behavior is indicative that you shouldn't organize with them. A large number of snitches, informants, and infiltrators are misogynistic or otherwise problematic. Don't ignore it!
"Threat Modeling Fundamentals"
You need to be able to reason about threats you face and do more than just wear a mask. How/what you do requires concert though, and this is a guide on how to do that reasoning.
"PRISMA: Primer on Radical Information for Secure Militant Actions"
You want to do some shit? You want a specific guide on how you might do that shit? Read no further.
Want to read even more? Download (yes download) PDFs and get ready to get spicy.