On Friday, a court in Russia’s Vladimir region issued sentences against three former lawyers of Alexey Navalny, convicting the attorneys of participation in the late opposition leader’s “extremist organization.” Vadim Kobzev was sentenced to five years and six months in prison, Alexey Liptser to five years, and Igor Sergunin to three years and six months (in the spring of 2024, Sergunin confessed to the charges and began cooperating with investigators). According to prosecutors, the three lawyers “ensured the regular transfer of information between the leaders and members of an extremist organization [the Anti-Corruption Foundation]” by transmitting Navalny’s prison letters to his associates — a supposed abuse of the attorneys’ “professional status.” In the wake of the ruling, Russian bar associations have offered no defense of their colleagues. Meduza asked several lawyers who have left Russia what Friday’s verdict means for the future of their profession back home.