Kanji: 斎
purification, Buddhist food, room, worship, avoid, alike
とき つつし.む ものいみ い.む いわ.う いつ.く
斎場 (さいじょう) — funeral hall
書斎 (しょさい) — study
斎主 (さいしゅ) — master of religious ceremonies
精進潔斎 (しょうじんけっさい) — purifying oneself (religiously) by abstaining from eating meat
潔斎 (けっさい) — religious abstinence
斎部 (いみべ) — Imbe clan (ancient Shinto priestly family)
斎服 (さいふく) — priestly vestments, esp. white silk robes worn at festivals
斎日 (いみび) — unlucky day (according to astrology)
斎戒沐浴 (さいかいもくよく) — purification
斎戒もく浴 (さいかいもくよく) — purification
✍ 11
🏫 中学