“Admitting stupidity is a sign of strength – because it shows that you are brave enough to learn!” – Futurist Jim Carroll
So I came across this scientific paper which suggested that there is power to be found in stupidity.
This article seemed to fit within the vibe of what someone suggested on social media – “This weekend might very well be the last normal weekend for the next 100 years.” Though your opinion might vary, some believe we are truly entering an era of stupidity.
Eager to find some sort of upside to the downside, I eagerly read the article – and I discovered much more than I expected. Here’s what the paper suggests:
- the feeling of stupidity in scientific research isn’t a weakness – it’s a necessary and valuable state that indicates you’re pushing into genuinely unknown territory. As the author says, “If we don’t feel stupid it means we’re not trying.”
- research is fundamentally different from coursework because it requires confronting “absolute stupidity” – the vast realm of things we don’t yet know. Recognizing this infinite scope of unknowns is liberating because it permits us to “muddle through as best we can,” figuring things out as we go.
- being “productively stupid” means intentionally choosing to be ignorant by pursuing important questions that push us beyond current knowledge. This is different from relative stupidity (just being less prepared than peers) or working in areas that don’t match your talents.
- The scientific process thrives on this kind of stupidity – it allows researchers to “bumble along, getting it wrong time after time, and feel perfectly fine as long as we learn something each time.” This iterative process of learning through failure is essential for discovery.
The core message is that feeling stupid isn’t a bug in scientific research – it’s a bonus feature! It’s the necessary state of mind for pushing beyond current knowledge boundaries and making genuine discoveries! It’s the ultimate aphrodisiac for chasing new knowledge!
Believing that I’m on to something and to fit with the modern times, I dare believe that there is innovation power to be found in stupidity!
Hear me out!
**#Stupidity** **#Learning** **#Innovation** **#Growth** **#Discovery** **#Knowledge** **#Curiosity** **#Creativity** **#Wisdom** **#Progress**