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- Embed this noticeIs there a word for this pattern?
Some online services handle the "multiple users per organization && multiple organizations per user" situation in the following way:
A user logs in with their individual account and then chooses (typically from a menu in the upper right) which "team" they want want to currently be acting in. A team might correspond to a company, or to a department within a company, or whatever: it's some organization that the user is associated with. So instead of people logging in with a role account that represents the team, they log in as themselves and then "wear a cloak" that lets them act on the team's behalf (within whatever permissions the team admin has granted to that particular member). Naturally, a user can be associated with multiple teams, and those teams don't all have to know about each other -- maybe only the user knows them all.
Is there a name for this pattern? I'm going with "PAMT" ("Personal Account Multiple Teams") for now, but if there's already a widely-used term I'd like to know it.