Your art history post for today: “Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose,” 1885/1886, by John Singer Sargent (1856–1925), oil on canvas, 1740 × 1537 mm, the Tate, London. #arthistory
From the website: “The children lighting lanterns are Dolly and Polly Barnard. John Singer Sargent was friends with their father, illustrator Frederick Barnard. Sargent painted it in a garden in Broadway, a village in south-west England where Sargent stayed in the summer of 1885. Sargent wanted to paint from real life. There were only a few minutes each evening where the light was right. He would place his easel and paints, pose the models beforehand, and wait for the right moment to start. As summer ended and the flowers died, he replaced them with pot plants.”