Blocking you right off the bat for assuming that I haven't already done these things (I have), for assuming that I haven't already co-launched entire criminal justice reform projects with police departments (I have), and for not understanding that systemic racism means that Black officers do this too. Because it's not about hating Black people. It's about meeting a ticket quota.
I'm not saying that you're bad! Just that I don't have the energy to gently walk you to a place of being better informed. Someone can do that for you, just not me.
For those of you still here, watch this video.
If you think the number of tickets given to Black drivers in Alabama went up because:
A) the cops suddenly became more individually racist
B) the Black drivers suddenly became worse drivers
Then I can't help you.
But if you understand that the number of tickets given to Black drivers went up because of systemic racism? Then you get what I'm talking about. And what millions of Black people have been talking about.