The couple working on the floodgates were friendly. They live in an RV and follow the work on the border wall. They identify as independent/centrist and emphasize that they're apolitical and just see this as a job.
Which, fair enough. They recognize that it crates as many problems as it supposedly solves, and are fairly sympathetic to what many of the immigrants have to go through to get here and what they're leaving back home.
They had one story about a remote section of wall way out east of Lukeville where the smugglers had cut all the bollards at ground level and then pulled the whole panel into Mexico, breaking the welds at the top. They didn't have any private security or Border Patrol protection, so a bunch of the smugglers came over and stole tools off their truck while they were there. Eventually Border Patrol did show up and things got heated for a while but nothing serious came of it. Other than that, their experience working on the wall has been fairly mellow in terms of conflict with people.