Two women from Guatemala just came up to the fence and hailed me. One had a sore throat and wanted medicine but there really isn't anything here. They also wanted food. I went to the supply tent and got them big handfuls of granola bars because that's all that is here now.
They are dressed in green camouflage and plan to cross the mountains at some point. They are traveling together but separate from any other group. I'm guessing they're just waiting for their guide to come tonight.
The Samaritans usually have hot water and instant soup cups and they asked for those, but the Samaritans had already left. It really does seem when people get dropped off here that they aren't given much in the way of food water or information by their human smugglers.
(I am mildly kicking myself right now because they were friendly and I suspect they would've been very amenable to doing a recorded interview of their story.)