It was not until this morning, when I thought of where we are in simple and concrete terms (i.e., money has put billionaires in control of our government) that I realized a major threshold has been crossed. The takeover of U.S. government by billionaires has been so fully and quietly accepted by a large segment of the U.S. population that no attempt is even made by the wealthy to disguise it or make excuses for it like they would have done in the past. In the past, they knew it was not right and used subterfuge to justify themselves. Our billionaire leaders of today don’t seem to know their behavior is wrong and neither do their supporters, like some evangelical Christians. A prosperity gospel that only requires a childish acceptance of an abstract Jesus Christ as one’s personal savior, with few concomitant behavioral expectations, has redefined U.S. Christianity in the image of its followers like oligarchs have redefined democracy and what it means to be a responsible member of society into whatever serves their own interests. (2/3)