HIM: 'Hey, what the hell is META?'
ME: 'Meta, like M-E-T-A? That's just Facebook'
HIM: 'Oh... well, why don't they just call it Facebook?'
ME: 'Who knows why rich assholes do what they do? Why?'
HIM: 'Did you hear, Zuck is saying you can call trans people mentally ill there now? How do you feel about that?'
ME: 'You know me. I don't like bullies. It's pretty messed up.'
HIM: 'I though you might say that. So, I got a question.. you don't think they are?'
ME: 'What, mentally ill? Uhhh... no. I think they need to be left alone though.'
HIM: 'Okay, but wouldn't you say ....... gender dysphoria is a mental illness?'
ME: 'Well, I'm not an expert, but I would say... no. I think it's a symptom of something you can't control... Do you think being delusional is a mental illness?'
HIM: 'Right, exactly. Being delusional is a mental illness.'
ME: 'Some would say Christians are delusional, if you think about it.'
HIM: 'Oh, no. That's different.'
ME: 'You don't think it's delusional to believe in an all-powerful sky-daddy who can control your life and even punish you when you do bad stuff?'
HIM: 'Uhhh, I guess... some might see it that way... but there are a LOT of Christians. There are a lot more Christians than there are trans people, right?'
ME: 'Maybe, so what? Who has all the power, trans people or Christians?'
HIM: 'Huh... well obviously Christians do.'
ME: 'Right, so what if trans people had the power in society and Christians were ridiculed. Would it be okay to call them delusional or would that be bullying?'
HIM: 'I get your point... okay, well I just wanted your take on it.'
ME: 'I appreciate that. I really do.' ☮️
#USpol #Atheism #Agnosticism #Conservative #Republicans #Democrats #LGBTQ #TransRights