As if scraping free content to train #AI models wasn’t enough (and #Meta already has plenty of free content created by billions of users on its platforms), as if refusing to pay a fair share to those content creators wasn’t enough, imagine working in a place where AI engineers send emails asking for clearance to use LibGen or BitTorrent in the office, in order to download GBs of pirated copyrighted work that can be fed to those models, and getting thumbs up from the CEO himself.
The next judge who harshly punishes a teenager for downloading his favorite movie or TV series (or worse the next judge who states that scraping is a crime) deserves to be hit with a rubber hose under his feet. No single user of pirated content ought to be punished until the tech giants that in the past couple of years have played all kinds of dirty games with user content in order to get the best AI model are punished.