"Guy Who Said Facebook Was Not Suppressing Free Speech Announces Facebook Will Stop Suppressing Free Speech"
There's several reasons to believe this, though:
Someone on Hacker News I think pointed out Facebook's top down, "fact checker" organization initiated censorship style was expensive. Whereas X style community notes has communities do most of the work.
Another reason that just occurred to me is that Trump should be turning off soon the government's commands to censor stuff which works in the same manner.
There's also the context in which this started, the self-originated collective guilt of the totalitarian tech Left in letting Trump win in 2016, and the particular focus on FaceBook and Cambridge Analytica. The Left went insane and was looking for scalps, and Facebook was also fined upwards of six billion dollars (!!!).
Also political, trying to dance to the tune of increasingly totalitarian European countries and their impossible demands may end up not being worth it. The Left is getting hit hard there, and lashing out as people try to hold them accountable for their genocidal sins.