I need you to understand something about how the dipshit MAGA christofascist brain works. See, I was raised in a christofascist household in southern Kansas. In their minds, everything, and I mean *everything* stems from a hierarchial structure that goes:
In which God has authority over man, man has authority over his wife, and his wife has authority over their children. Now I want you to take a good look at this and notice a few things about it.
1) Notice that it's not "woman". Its "wife". A woman only has value in this system if and when she is married, and married specifically to a man. This is why they're so upset with gayness. Gay men and lesbians, as well as unmarried adults, are a threat to the hierarchy.
2) Notice that the gender binary is strictly enforced through the hierarchy. This is why they're so upset with transness. If people are free to decide which gender they are, then they effectively get to decide what level of authority they get. Trans people are a threat to the hierarchy.
3) Notice that it's not "men", it's "man". There is no collective power in this hierarchy. Authority is given by God to individual men, to do with as they will. That is why they're so upset with collective systems like democracy, socialism, and communism. The concept of community power itself is a threat to the hierarchy.
4) Notice that men are not given direct authority over their children, but rather indirect authority through their wives. This is essential to the concept of gendered work, and allows for men to justify being an absentee father and placing the (unpaid) work of childcaring solely on the shoulders of women. This is why they are so upset with women who choose a career over a family, and it explains why they're so upset with the idea of women getting an abortion. Women who can choose are a direct threat to the hierarchy.