This is self-serving but also not: @nlnet should be giving grants to maintain and hopefully grow the last few vestiges of independent technology news reporting. Virtually all technology news publications are either dying, already dead, resorting to massive amounts of privacy-invading ads and shady advertorials, or they become part of massive corporate media conglomerates more interested in raw profit than good reporting. The end result is "news" dictated by Big Tech.
We're dangerously close to losing the last few remaining independent tech news sources - which in turn means open and libre tech efforts take a backseat to big commercial interests. NLnet focuses on open and libre tech efforts, but without independent, responsible media reporting on such efforts, there's a lack of communication between the kinds of efforts NLnet funds, and the people who might want to use those efforts.
At @osnews, I obviously feel the pressure too. I scrounge by with donations and Patreon, but it's barely workable and I have no idea how long I can keep this up financially.