Okay … so … new instance and I guess I need a new #introduction?
Accomplishments I’m most proud of: Raising my daughter (as a single mom) to be a fierce, loving, and much more competent and functional adult than I have been; Founding and managing a successful farmer’s market in the early 2000s that is still running today; Completing a master’s degree (MSci) in my 50s and after being accepted to a PhD program at the University of Oregon, dropping out because it was not the right choice for me.
Moves: I just completed my 54th lifetime move (perhaps the last move but I won’t hold my breath because it’s uncomfortable); I’ve lived in New York, Massachusetts, Montana❣️, Oregon, New Mexico, Washington; I've traveled cross county 7 times and I was homeless for a few years but it took me a while to realize it.
Jobs: so so so many, including: tech writer, crisis counselor, waitress, communications manager, college professor, massage therapist, bookseller, executive assistant, project manager, legal assistant, goat cheese maker, pre-school special ed teacher, tarot reader, editor, book reviewer … I contain multitudes! Now enjoying every single day of retirement with the option to choose to do (or not do) what I want!
Misc: I’m living on unceded land of the Muh-he-conneok; I am kakotheres (unfit for enduring summer); I’m a late-diagnosed autistic elder; I love speculative fiction, long rambling strolls, words and meaning-making.