@alex Hi Alex, again thank you for your help. I confirmed via ‘asdf current’ that I am running the right version of erlang and elixir. I nuked the _build directory, and started to compile again and got some errors again.
===> Compiling _build/default/plugins/rebar3_archive_plugin/src/rebar3_archive_plugin.erl failed _build/default/plugins/aleppo/ebin/rebar3_archive_plugin.bea#:none: error writing file: permission denied
_build/default/plugins/rebar3_archive_plugin/src/rebar3_archive_plugin.erl:27:1: Warning: missing specification for function do/1
* (Mix) Could not compile dependency :accept, “/var/lib/pleroma/.asdf/installs/elixir/1.13/.mix/rebar3 bare compile –paths /opt/pleroma/_build/prod/lib//ebin” command failed. Errors may have been logged above. You can recompile this dependency with “mix deps.compile accept”, update it with “mix deps.update accept” or clean it with “mix deps.clean accept”
Is this a permissions issue? I confirmed that pleroma owns everything in the /opt/pleroma directory.
Thank you again for your assistance.