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Hi there, I have a little project that I’m not sure how to tackle. I have ideas but the proof of concept would take a long time. Can the Fediverse help?
Here is the problem I’d like to solve:
My cat, Vanille, has a heart condition. She’s fine with regular medication but her continued well-being also involves me knowing when she is unwell and reacting fast. This is done through monitoring how fast she is breathing.
Apparently there is no better way than her RPM (respirations per minute), as funny as this reads…
Of course I can do this the old-fashioned way but she’s a busy cat, she doesn’t stay in place for long, and counting her RPM absolutely requires:
- her being deep asleep
- me being already in her vicinity
- me not waking her up as I prepare the timer on my phone
- her not waking up for at least a full minute while I count, occasionally with several recounts
So I have a low success rate, it takes a lot of time and I’d rather spend this time enjoying her company than stressing over her health.
Hence my little project. Can #dyi #electronics help solve this?
My naive idea was to add sensors near her favorite places, perhaps infrared cameras