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- Embed this notice@greyknight @RR it isn't rich versus poor - it is always rich versus rich with poor people being pawns
the current Western ruling elite have a program of crashing the West so they can reset debts, claim vast tracts of lands, and engage in a program of ethnic destruction targeting primarily Whites
and against them are all the powerful people that would screw over - a better frame would be trans-national versus national and local elites
the solution is to name the enemy faction and describe their behavior - the 90 IQ version of this is to call them the Jews (because they are mostly Jewish) and point to their agenda of destroying Whites
the 120+ IQ version is that there are lots of factions motivated by different things including Jews opposed to the transnational-faction, and nobody know exactly who is on each side (even among the elites themselves)
simple rule of thumb to identify the main enemy is to ask "do these people want to hurt White people and dissolve National interests in favor of global, Jewish power centered in places like NYC, Tel Aviv, Kyiv, and The City of London"