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- Embed this noticeYou definitely seem stupid, to answer your question.
Christians have killed many people. Most of them deserved it. Many did not. Our religion never claimed that we would create worldly perfection. Quite the opposite - we know we aren't perfect, and won't be made perfect for some time.
You don't get to compare belief systems based on "how many people did they kill?" This is putting the cart before the horse. If you want to choose the religion with the lowest body count then some schizophrenic guy who has never hurt someone and created his own religion based on his Harry Potter fanfiction would, in your moral view, be superior. That's obviously ridiculous. Deaths caused by Christians, both good and bad, have literally 0 impact on the validity of the faith. Knowing someone by their fruits doesn't mean "judge the entire faith by its fruits" - it's telling you how to tell if someone is truly inspired by God.
I won't convince you to become Christian over the Internet and if I did, I'd be worried about your mental faculties. But I implore you to be open to it and to appreciate that the faith is fundamentally loving and encourages kindness.