Almost exactly a year ago, Rapid7 put out a technical analysis of Apache #Struts 2 CVE-2023-50164 that said:
* Exploit payloads were going to need to be customized to the target
* It wasn't clear that there was any critical mass of remotely exploitable applications out of the box
* The reports of exploitation in the wild all appeared to be unsuccessful attempts rather than IRL compromises of production systems.
Fast-forward to CVE-2024-53677 and we can repeat the above verbatim, with one pretty notable exception — the "fixed" version that ostensibly remediates the vulnerability actually doesn't, and code-level changes are required (to migrate away from the vulnerable file upload interceptor) to actually remediate it. Also the "fixed" release (6.4.0) appears to have gone out a year ago? No idea. Big ups to @fuzz for the analysis!