The call to action section is the weakest part of the piece. It is not weak, but it is weaker than everything else.
I want to talk about that for a second, both what the author recommends and also what I recommend.
The author recommends putting a name to this rot, calling it out, explaining it to others, and identifying the people responsible. This is a great start! Google search didn't just get worse on its own, Prabhakar Raghavan instructed a team to destroy it. There is a person, a team of people, behind this decay.
I see the change for the sake of change / growth at any cost mindset in places where I really shouldn't, thought. Mastodon, for example. It seems like each new release has some new Growth Hack inspired assault. Eugen isn't doing it for exactly the same reasons, but the root is still a mindset that values Growth over every other metric.