Hot take: I feel like most homeless people should just get [REDACTED]. Or like rounded up and dumped as far away from society as possible. This isn't a classist thing, and we absolutely do need an equitable society that doesn't sustain itself on capitalist coercion of being rendered homeless if not complying with the system. However, the majority of homeless people I see/deal with are (a) actually insane, (b) addicted to substances, (c) usually both. ---They aren't simply downtrodden members of society trying to get back on their feet; They're nuisances which are incapable of existing within society. And, quite frankly, I'm tired of coexisting with them. I don't want to sit in a public cafeteria eating a meal while some unkempt, unwashed wacko in a wheelchair is screaming profanities at nothing and pulling himself around the room with his hands raised like he's surrending to someone whilst mumbling to himself. This dude isn't getting rehabilitated and he now exists as some sort of human pollution or societal litter and I'd like for him to be removed.