@AnarchoNinaWrites yeah it's important to understand that literal genocidal Nazis who were pulling the trigger on children in ghettos and torturing and whatnot were generally perfectly normal human beings in society among theirs. They weren't moustache-twirling villains lashing out all the time like in comic books. They would be kind to dogs or children or tip well at the bar or take care of their ailing fucking grandmother or whatever.
That a fascist has capacity for empathy and generosity and selectively suppresses it does not make them better human beings. It makes it worse.
I know you're right because there's literal fucking Nazis close to where I live who have attacked me, attacked multiple homeless people, beaten up journalists, harassed Pride kids etc. etc., who constantly pose online with custom Nazi knives and new guns and murderer friends etc. And right now there's a fluff piece on the local newspaper about how the infamous Nazis from the neighbourhood actually get along just fine with their neighbours, they are polite and courteous to the immigrants running bakery shops or kiosks where they shop, they are upstanding members of the community etc., why they don't even hang swastikas or anything just a German flag. Same news piece says the only ones disturbing the peace during the Nazi rally were the antifa at the counterdemo.