Today Faircamp 0.23.0 was released - the last release before 1.0! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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What's new: All site layouts now fully adapt to RTL (right-to-left) languages, another dozen of accessibility improvements were added, the docked and embed players now make much better use of limited space, MP3 transcoding now writes more broadly supported ID3v2.3 tags (thanks @berdandy for the PR), a few font-related improvements were made (thanks @thurti for the contributions and @fennifith for a prior PR/research supporting this), russian translations were added (thanks @wileyfoxyx), italian and lithuanian translations updated (thanks @toctoc and @Vac) and a few bugs fixed!
As always, huge thanks to @nlnet and @EC_NGI for funding this work through an NGI0 grant - this time around especially also to Marc, my project supervisor, diligent reviewer and cultural advisor on RTL layouting.
One last thing: I've set up a newsletter where from now on I will also announce new faircamp releases! It's an experiment for now, but I think it might provide a nice way to stay updated without the/my social media noise. :) You can sign up here: (I did much research to find an ethical provider & settled on @keila, check 'em out!)
Featured image: by @james