What's happened recently in Syria to allow this current but not yet final collapse of the Assad regime?
From the very unreliable ZeroHedge, some credible claims:
"Below, a prominent and longtime Syrian commentator who goes by Bassem gives a quick bird's eye view explanation...:
"1) Russia got distracted with the war in Ukraine and resources diverted there.
"2) Hamas idiotically went on suicide mission in October 2023 and dragged Hizbollah into the conflict indirectly and exhausted them.
"3) Israel weakened Iran in Syria past few years.
"4) Assad did nothing to improve the lives of locals. Electricity for few hours a day, not enough fuel for daily matters, corruption, made the lives of Syrian business community hell (customs, etc), to name few.
"5) all the while opposition was rebuilding, changing their message, training, even Ukrainian intelligence came in to support them with intelligence and drone technology."
The messaging is certainly true, these apparent kinder and gentler jihadists are not (yet) doing the swagger around in black and executing random grannies on the street after a one minute "trial."