What is a "partner" these days?
Historically, when I heard the word "partner" I would think of a person's close confident. Someone who knows you well and could potentially represent you to the outside world in your absence. That could be a boyfriend, girlfriend, the person you married, etc. In the business world, perhaps someone you trusted enough to start a company with, tying your economy to their own financial well being in some sense. In all cases a person you implicitly trust.
Given the level of trust a partner historically implied, how many simultaneous partners are realistic? I would think a very low number.
Are these 865 "partners" like that? Or when they write this do they actually mean, these are 865 companies with whom we are sharing all the data we can collect on you, for a tiny financial kickback or other minor benefit to run our website.
I feel like they should be forced to write,
"We and the 865 companies we are selling you out to…"
Don't lie and call them "partners" to make it sound like the person using your website should trust all these companies. Companies who you likely know very little about and have not vetted. Your "partners"… really? Fuck you!