Embed Notice
Corresponding Notice
- Embed this notice@tpheine There is a machine at my place that handles most of those types of network interactions.
The machine is running a simple server that has an HTTP API that will provide a list of available scripts that can be run, and will allow the user to schedule those scripts to be run at certain times.
For example, there is a script called "Set-7AM-Wakeup-Coffee" and running that script will send the API commands to:
1. set the 'Coffee-On' script to run at 6:15 AM
2. run the 'Set-7-AM-Wakeup' immediately, and that script will send the commands to:
1. update the podcast on my media player at 6:15AM
2. fade the lights on at 7am
3. start streaming KMFA Classical Radio at 7am
For the big red button, I could make a script called "big-red-button" that does a lot of things, and when the button is pressed, a single command would be sent to run the script 'big-red-button'.
That being said, I found another button so now I have 2 buttons to deal with. :)