Anarcho-satanism sounds fascinating by the way!
haha, thanks, I concocted it myself (although I know a few people who've fallen into basically the same thing)
This is my more general-purpose fedi account, so I don't usually dive too deep into the occult stuff here, but I'm an (actively practicing but philosophically divergent) ex? chaos magician who eventually realised that what attracted to me to the systemic worldview of chaos magic was the same thing that attracted me to black metal, to flamboyant satanism (but ultimately not any of the capital-S varieties), and to initially black-flag and eventually black-and-red-flag anarchism:
the notion that to thrive is to resist and, to counter-attack oppression
Helpfully, in terms of personal symbolism, this aligns tidily with the cultural imagery of Satan and its historic and mythological counterparts, especially within the European and Levantine world.
To exist in opposition to an unjust status quo - to strive to reject systemic (and personal) bigotry, to oppose fascism, to strive to free oneself and others from oppression at the hands of capital, to deny the commodification of human life and of nature, to embody the imposed demonisation of queer existence - is an inherently satanic resistance, because these things set themselves up as Just and Right and The Way Of Things.
Obviously, given the many flavours of S/satanism out there, some of them fashy as fuck, and the degree to which minimally-inconvenienced folks like to lay claim to the language of oppression, it's a social and political tightrope walk, but leaning into the political and philosophical history and present of anarchism tempers and clarifies the satanic aspects.