@evan good poll. Interesting to see the split. I agree when I think of servers with tons of people on it and open registration. That is for sure a team's worth of moderation and if people who moderate for meta tell war stories and have ptsd, it speaks.
The distrust of institutions is a big part of who is here though. And small servers with a certain vibe to them, and someone at the door checking that who gets in is there for that party for reals, that I think is something that can really grow here.
And I do think companies and universities could have a well run presence, but I would want some real separation of where I find that. I don't want it in my feed. That would feel like it defeats the point of the TL here.
I specially don't want politicians on it though I know some people feel it's necessary. Social media all started going down hill right when they got their moneyed hands on it, imo. Not enough reward for their presence. They should have their own thing where non politicians run it, and they can fight it out in a proper arena. haha I am so tired of them in your living room between friendly conversation.