More men's marches for against violence against women were held in Afrin and Shahba regions of North and East Syria ("Rojava"), declaring e.g. that they will stand with women on the path to freedom.
A speaker noted how previously "Women's rights were denied in a society dominated by the capitalist system." but through the Women's Revolution of Rojava, "now they have their place in all fields."
Another speaker said that "With the rise of patriarchy, women's place in society disappeared, whereas before they were in charge of society as goddesses. Capitalist governments tried to limit women and reduce their role to housekeeping and childbearing. They were even deprived of the right to express their opinions and make decisions about their lives" in his speech, going on that
"Women in the revolution in North and East Syria, inspired by the philosophy of Abdullah Öcalan, rose up against slavery and fought against the capitalist system. [...] By working together with both genders, we will eliminate violence, and women around the world will be free. [...]"