It’s not that dental care is unaffordable, it’s just that I prioritised keeping a roof over my family’s head, and food on the table, in a single income household, over getting dental work done. I brought it on myself.
Edit: I did not expect either of these posts to “do numbers”. I would have been a little more careful with typos, and my sarcasm about dental care. It’s ridiculously expensive, and as I said to Ewen earlier today, I’ve spent thousands on my teeth, but the necessary “finalisation” work was always unaffordable. I couldn’t afford one crown, let alone several.
The dentist who crushed the back of my 1-7 & 2-7 while removing my wisdom teeth denied the damage I could *feel* - to my face. Declared that he was the professional, and who was I to question his work?
He left town suddenly a few months later. What was I to do? /le sigh