Embed Notice
Corresponding Notice
- Embed this notice♀ 👩 🚺 WOMAN SURVEY STATUS: V6.0 🚺 👩 ♀
considering the brittleness of the project's previous monolithic approach, we are now redesigning the entire architecture around a modularized, tiered approach.Thank you for your continued support of the project. If you find any bugs please feel free to report them, patches welcome.
CONFIRMED WOMEN: vriska, georgia, samantha, ruina, kaia, essie, anti, mitsu, rika, nana, cassidy, mushroom, blessing, sim, yata, weeble, nightingalle, oblivia, oxblood, sunspot, emma faber, ironee, thedonnerd, hakui, mametsuko, murky, ovaryacting, mia, marine, nishi, chudbere, hidden, teratology, shibao, f0x, shamyouimo, sharia
REASONABLE SUSPICIONS OF FEMALENESS: thedonnerd, ashley, ocean redux
UNCONFIRMED: bot, kk, rye, ehhh
* demoted: bot because she's a troll
* demoted: kk and rye because i don't know who they are frankly, might be removed in future release
* demoted: ashley because i completely forgot who they were
* demoted: ocean redux and thedonnerd pending further evidence
* added: sharia. thanks to a7 https://annihilation.social/notice/AkCgK0W4XRqA9gQ1qq
* changed: nishy -> nishi