"These guys will gravel at the feet of gullible people like Piers Morgan in order to solidify their standing as "one if the sane ones." People like Piers are so used to getting hammered by far Lefties that this ego stroke is just what is needed for him to concede men like Wu and claim they deserve to be in the bathroom. Piers is do dumb that he can't see how old this trick is. Troons study, take notes and follow tricks like these in order to be one of the few to be let past the gate and into "Womanhood." It's all so pathetic to watch"
"These 'resaonable' transwomen are Trojan horses, nothing more, nothing less. They are like the non-kiddy-fiddling pedophiles whose emergence into the public sphere is also a slippery slope leading to the eventual acceptance of pedophilia as a sexual orientation. Karen is spot on as usual."