A number of studies have found that human biology can be linked with political orientation. This means that an individual's biology may predispose them to a particular political orientation and ideology or, conversely, that subscription to certain ideologies may predispose them to measurable biological and health outcomes.
Studies have found that subjects with right-wing (or conservative in the United States) political views have larger amygdalae, report larger social networks and greater happiness than liberals, are more prone to express disgust to moral infringements and are more sensitive to perceived threats. Those with left-wing (or liberal in the United States) political views have a larger volume of grey matter in the anterior cingulate cortex and are more likely to report greater relationship dissatisfaction and emotional distress than conservatives, to show more openness to experience as well as greater tolerance for uncertainty and disorder.
Genetic factors account for at least some of the variation of political views. From the perspective of evolutionary psychology...