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- Embed this noticeAlexstein Jones, the dissident figure father of JewfoWars exposed as another Neo-Bolshevik Pro-Russian shill as revealed from this first image. The loony lefties aren't the only ones causing or stirring up trouble but also the right-wing faction dissident demented frenetic self-entitled cocksuckers are causing heaps of problems too.
This was posted on the 31st of October 2017 by Julia Davis, around 3:33AM.
Why the 3:33AM? It refers to the angle code number for zeal and strong communication. Also plus, 33 is the freemason's lucky degree number.
As this image shown that Alexstein Jones used a military salute with some deluded unaware sluts and two other guys embracing the communistic rhetorics while shilling and pledging alliance with Putin the KGB Crypto Jew.
Saluting and pledging for this Judaic Neo-Bolshevik Kremlin tyrant regime never surprises me much, because he of course is another Pro-Russian shill while sucking the Jew cock during breaks to swallow Jew sperm.
Alexstein Jones is also a Pro-Zionist stooge twit.
When he's not on camera on few occasions, he'll secretly wear his favourite kippah like a fucking moron. Such a devoted Judeo-Christian cuckery incessant clown even he knew that Jews controls the media...etc but refuses to expose and name the Jew!. Instead, he condemns "muh" "evil nAzISSSS!!" Murmurs "muh" "nazi thing" Murmurs again "evil modern nazis". Oh fuck off you stanky wanky loopy clammy rumbling egoistic gabbling piece of shit!, it's definitely not the "nazis", it's the FUCKING JEWS WITH THEIR PYSOP GOLEMS TO ROLL OUT FULL SCALE JDUAIC COMMUNISITIC ABRHAMAIC AGENDAS THAT WILL DESTROY THE ARYAN RACE OF THIS EARTH!!!.
I can't go further anymore with these dissident faggot clowns like Jones. They're must be dealt with, it'll take more than just a hammer and a nail!.
They must be destroyed, they are yearning and craving more Pro-Kremlin propagandas to allure on more unaware people and being indoctrinate to support "muh" "bAsEd tRaD Rusko" to "muh" "denazfiy everything"
As I brought up with this due to his website got shut down for hours and then popped back up again. Related to the defamation of the Sandy Hook stuff.