Greetings. New instance, new #introduction
I'm Patrick, a 40-something, totally blind, hard-of-hearing, #ActuallyAutistic man from New York City, born and raised in North Carolina.
I once had ambitions to play music professionally, but got distracted as a teenager by the actual production/engineering side of music and audio. As a result of all that, I can play several instruments, none of them particularly well. Buttons and knobs are my thing. Analog synthesizers, audio production techniques, outboard gear, microphones, headphones, monitors... Yep, I can talk about that stuff all day long, though all my studio gear is currently inaccessible to me at this time.
I have an I.T. background, but when those prospects dried up, I spent over a decade as a freelance podcast editor and general creative production guy. I still occasionally do those sorts of gigs, but not to the extent I once did.
I received my amateur radio license when I was nine years old. Radio is still magical to me. Though I was out of the hobby for a while, as my hearing continued, and still continues to get worse, making it harder for me to do some of the other things I enjoy, I've gotten back into it again.
I run a multi-mode RoIP network for blind ops, called, appropriately enough, the Blind Hams Network.
You can find my amateur radio account at @N2DYI if that sort of thing interests you. I pretty much only post ham radio related stuff there.
I also run @NoiseBox, a bot that posts a random sound effect every hour.
I have been suicidal in the past. Depression still hits like a ton of bricks. I often post whatever comes across my mind. Those things are sometimes not particularly filtered. You have been warned!
I'm migrating from my old account,, but keeping that account as a backup rather than aliasing it, at least for the time being.
There are probably many other things I could say, but I'll leave it here, and let whatever happens speak for itself.