Why the popular vote will matter so much this time….
In the 2020 U.S. presidential election, Joe Biden won with a total of 81,283,501 votes, while Donald Trump received 74,223,975 votes. This means Biden won the popular vote by approximately 7 million votes, with a margin of about 4.4 percentage points (Biden received 51.3% of the vote compared to Trump’s 46.8%).
In terms of the Electoral College, Biden won 306 electoral votes, while Trump secured 232. Obviously the whole game is the electoral college but this one’s gonna be close maybe closer. Having the popular vote count be as strong or stronger than Biden will matter when we’re fighting it out after she wins the electoral count to certify in the states - post-election. It will discourage judges from fraudulently overturning the will of the people at the states, and it will make the narrative that this is “the American voter versus Trump.” Which it very much would be.