End the silence, having an opinion shouldn't be a crime, and free software shouldn't be under scrutiny or attack because one of the guys that did the world a favor in creating the GNU GPL license has what I'd actually call sane thoughts on the insanity of statutory rape laws and has at one point or another spoken out regarding the hysteria from psychos in the world that make up the "think of the children" crowd attacking anyone who dares point out the hypocrisy and literal harm to young people that these laws cause. To learn more about the "Stillman Report", lies, and manipulation by a small dishonest anonymous group check out this video and stop letting a horrible group of "me too" people bully those who dare share a different opinion. Stop letting these people bully the rest of society for pointing out the harms in "protecting children" through the disturbing normalized legal means (particularly those who dare speak out against their dangerous legally implemented ideas):