@LukeAlmighty They added the level back in an update, but the remaster is still inferior gameplay-wise and missing various details, even though the graphical changes are mostly for the better. The problem is that remasters are supposed to be low cost and porting the PC version that's on CryEngine 2 to CryEngine V would have probably cost more like making a new game, so they picked the shitty PS3/360 version that was on CryEngine 3, same version as Crysis 2, which they just remastered.
Crysis 2 Remaster is good imho. It's identical to the original, but the lighting is better plus it has raytraced reflection. SVOGI is great, the low cost more than makes up for it's shortcomings.
Crysis 3 Remaster is ironically shit anyways because it avoids the criticisms you are making here. In order to not compromise it's artist driven lighting they didn't add SVOGI, so the game looks the same except it has raytraced reflections and grass updates at 60hz instead of 15. So the remaster is just pointless.